Rockstar Rumble, Championship
Here are the games in the final round of the 2018 Rockstar Rumble. We've listed each "game" (one post versus another) along with wording provided by the author when the post was submitted. Also listed is a keyword after each post title to make it easy to vote. Be sure to vote for your favorites since you will help determine the winner! Criteria for the best article is what makes Rockstar content which includes these factors:
- Starts with an interesting title
- Includes unique content — we like posts that are edgy, feisty, funny, failure-focused, and super helpful
- Easy to read
- Positive/uplifting (vs. negative)
The voting will run for 48 hours. At that point, a winner will be named and will advance. You can follow the results in the brackets here. Please note, there is ONE VOTE PER PERSON. To be sure you see all games, click on the Rumble category link and scroll down. If you like great posts like these featured, you can subscribe to the Rockstar Finance weekday email and get the best personal finance articles delivered to your inbox. Today's games are brought to you by Mediavine, a full-service ad management solution for digital content creators. Here are today's games: CHAMPIONSHIP GAME
- My second-biggest financial mistake - and what I did to try and educate my kids about it. (Mistake) - Want to really grab your kids' attention and show them how compound interest can work in their favour? Here's my brilliant idea of how to do it. Anyone can take this idea, adapt it to their family situation and then step back to see the results. Trust me - it really works.
- The Personal Finance Triple Constraint (Triple) - I belong to a lot of financial forums and there seems to be this constant competition between people who just want to figure out their money, people who really want to optimize, and people who are looking to get really wealthy. I wanted to highlight the inherent competition between these concepts and talk about the tradeoff - that it is virtually impossible to achieve all three at the same time. I'm hoping people use this post to think about what they really want and focus their effort on that!
[poll id="131"] CONSOLATION GAME (For third place)
- Why You Should Invest, Even In Peak Markets (Peak) - As the market continues to rise to new heights and higher valuations, many are wondering if it is best to "wait for a crash". But if you're investing in for the long-term, this post outlines why you're better off getting your money in the market today, even if this might really be the peak!
- Average Net Worth by Age – A Look at American’s Wealth & How You Stack Up (Worth) - When you ask Americans to share what they think of as the average/median of anything, they always over-estimate. One of those over-estimates is median net worth (and income!) - it's much lower than you'd expect. I took data from the U.S. Census, charted it out, and really dig into the data across age, education and other factors. It was a fun post to write, I learned a lot, and was shocked how much of American's net worth is home equity.
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