Rockstar Rumble, Round 1, Posts 49-56

Here are the latest games in the first round of the 2018 Rockstar Rumble. We've listed each "game" (one post versus another) along with wording provided by the author when the post was submitted. Also listed is a keyword after each post title to make it easy to vote. Be sure to vote for your favorites since you will help determine the winner! Criteria for the best article is what makes Rockstar content which includes these factors:

  • Starts with an interesting title
  • Includes unique content — we like posts that are edgy, feisty, funny, failure-focused, and super helpful
  • Easy to read
  • Positive/uplifting (vs. negative)

The voting will run for 48 hours. At that point, a winner will be named and will advance. You can follow the results in the brackets here. Please note, there is ONE VOTE PER PERSON. To be sure you see all games, click on the Rumble category link and scroll down. If you like great posts like these featured, you can subscribe to the Rockstar Finance weekday email and get the best personal finance articles delivered to your inbox. Today's games are brought to you by Mediavine, a full-service ad management solution for digital content creators. Here are today's games: GAME 25

  • If You’re Smart Enough to Retire Early, You’re Smart Enough to Figure Out The Future! (Smart) - Here’s the thing: if you’re smart enough to retire early, you’re smart enough to figure out how to live for the rest of your life. You’ve already done the hardest part! You hit your early retirement number! And we all know damn well that “retirement” really isn’t “retirement” for folks in our community anyways… What blogger, or early retiree, do you know who just lays around all day wasting away their lives? (Answer: no one) If you’ve figured out how to get – and keep! – millions of dollars for yourself, and certainly by your 20s/30s/40s, you’ve earned the right to do whatever the $hit you please in life.


  • The Wealth-Health Connection - How Does It Affect You? (Health) - Being a doctor doesn’t make me an obvious choice for financial advice, but I see the consequences of poor money-management skills every day amongst the sick. I wanted to highlight my understanding of how money can make a difference to our health and how this has an impact globally.

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  • From Broke Phi Broke to Financially Woke (Broke) - This yeezy inspired post was hand picked by J. Money for being a "fun" and "refreshing" read. It takes you from my Broke Phi Broke days to my current state of being financially woke!


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  • What's Your Money Multiple? (Multiple) - The Money Multiple is a sack-full of kick-assery. It explains the time value of money and compounding interest in a way that's easy to understand and digest. Once you're aware of your Money Multiple, you'll be more motivated to crush your debt and save/invest!


  • That Clutter In Your Home Used To Be Money (Clutter) - This title came to me one day looking around the first floor of my home. I was frustrated with all the clutter. Each item laying around cost me money, and I wished I had the money instead of the mess. Anyone with a home and too much stuff can relate.

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  • 7 Years as a Vagabond: How I Saved and What I Saw (Vagabond) - Before I found FIRE, I found a cast of characters like no other, and an opportunity to live and work in some of the most beautiful places in the United States. The pay was low and the benefits were non-existent, but the experience was life-changing. I'd encourage everyone to consider seasonal work when facing early retirement, unemployment, or a life change.


  • Words of Wisdom from Ben Franklin's Twitter, Probably (Ben) - Ben Franklin was a money nerd whose advice on frugality and work ethic was published for 25 years. As someone who was ahead of their time, what sort of witty tidbits would Ben share if he were around today? How, amidst all of this chaos, would he manage to keep his cool and remind us of what's important? Via Twitter, that's how.

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