Your Money or Your Life Traveling Book Review

One of my favorite personal finance books is Your Money or Your Life. I like it so much that it made my list of the only five money books anyone needs to read. Apparently, I'm not alone. In a Rockstar Finance poll of personal finance bloggers, Your Money or Your Life placed second only to the perennial favorite The Millionaire Next Door. That's some pretty impressive company! And now there's a new version of Your Money or Your Life. It's updated for 2018 and even includes a forward by Mr. Money Mustache (talk about being up with the times!) Anyway, since this book is both a personal finance blogging favorite and has been updated, we thought now would be a great time to try something a bit new with it. Over the course of the next two weeks, we will be having what we're calling a "traveling book review" for the book. It will work like this: there will be a new post each weekday by a different money blogger reviewing a chapter of the book. This will not only allow readers to get in-depth coverage of each chapter (and thus know the book better), but it will also introduce you to some great personal finance bloggers. And if this effort goes well, we'll cover other books in the same manner. Here's the list of days, chapters, and blogs for the Your Money or Your Life Traveling Book Review (updated to show the actual review as they are posted):

We will be listing the new post each day on the Rockstar Finance daily email. If you do not get it, you can sign up here. We hope you join us and come along for the ride! P.S. A new site just launched for Your Money or Your Life. Check it out and let us know what you think!