Tuesday Hits: Minimizing Taxes and the RV Lifestyle

Today's Features

Minimize taxes by adjusting your portfolio

"Since the markets have had some downturns lately, now could be a good time to make some adjustments to your portfolio, rebalancing and the like, that may help to minimize taxes."

[Pupdate: Reviewing the Cost of Two Dogs](https://agaishanlife.com/2019/04/pupdate-reviewing-the-cost-of-2-dogs/)

"A friend asked me for help with budgeting for a pet so I thought it’d be good to dust off my records and figure out what we’re paying now."

How to Test Drive the RV Lifestyle

"Knowing I was going to be sharing our plans for The Great American Road Trip, I thought it would be useful to follow-up that post with an expert’s thoughts on what’s involved if you’re interested in renting an RV as a way to test drive the RV Lifestyle. "