The Best from Rockstar Finance for March 24, 2019

Today's Features

10 Financial Habits You Need to Break Immediately

The brain is a fascinating thing. It also tends to be pretty lazy. Left to it its own devices, the brain will try to put in as little effort as possible in an attempt to conserve energy. In fact, when a habit is fully developed, the brain stops actively participating in the decision-making process.

The Tranches of History

How can a High Risk-High Reward investment become Lower Risk-High Reward? This simple question explains the impetus behind most financial innovations in history.

Can You Manage Your Own Investments? YES!

Investing in a well-diversified portfolio is not as hard as it sounds. Often, this can be accomplished with just one fund, often called a target date fund.

How Being Laid Off Became One of the Best Things to Happen to Me

My plan was to look for another job while I was still on retention. And if a good opportunity came up, I would leave, and forgo the retention package in favor of a stable job. The good news was that I still had time.

Sharing A Family Cottage Can Cramp Your Style

No matter how well you get along (or not) before the joint ownership, things change once the sharing begins. And the dynamics change even more when additional outside influences come about.

Rockstar Guest Curator

Riley Adams is a licensed CPA in the state of Louisiana working as a Senior Financial Analyst for a Fortune 500 company in New Orleans. He has a personal finance blog dedicated to helping young professionals find financial independence at Young and the Invested.