The Best from Rockstar Finance for February 24, 2019

Today's Features

The scariest financial decision of all

I was going to post about something else today, but last night I heard about a friend of mine whose marriage has hit a huge speed bump. They have 2 very young kids and one of the things that’s on her mind is how she’d manage financially on her own.

Pivoting My Gaming Experiences Into FI

Here’s a fun way I’m keeping the elements I enjoy about gaming in my work towards financial independence. If you currently game and realize the time just isn’t there to game and build your wealth, perhaps adding the following to your strategy will help with the motivation and fun factor.

Applying The “Konmari” Method To Finances (How To Declutter For Greater Energy & Success)

I came to realize not only the awesome power of decluttering and organizing our stuff, but also applying these principals to our financial affairs. Which can also become cluttered and stuck!

The 7 Best Budgeting Methods

Everyone’s life is different and everyone’s situation is different. It’s important that you are adjusting whatever method you choose to fit your own lifestyle and goals.

18 Side Hustles For Teenagers To Make Extra Money

Your child can do the same by utilizing his skills and interests and your neighborhood resources to find some gig-worthy opportunities near your home. Let him be responsible and learn what it takes to earn some money. The best part is that he won’t be bugging you for cash for the movies this weekend!