The Best from Rockstar Finance for December 29, 2018

Today's Features

How I Raised My Kids to be Financially Successful at Their Expense

When is it time to say “no”? “The sooner the better” is the lesson I’ve learned the hard way. Most parents I know have spoiled the heck out of their kids by filling their closets with clothes, eating out all the time, and paying for travel sports and all the related costs. I, too, have failed many times in some of these areas. In my family we have finally learned the sooner we say “no” the better for our kids sake.

Grow Your Income by Building Marketable Skills

All personal finance advice can essentially be narrowed down to one key maxim: spend less than you earn. This is easy to comprehend, but for most people, it is difficult to put into practice. To grow this gap between what you’re earning and spending you need to either decrease your expenses or increase your income.

Should you borrow from your 401(k)?

Having the ability to borrow from your 401(k) is great. I’m in favor of any flexibility you can add. Having options is always better than not having them, even if you don’t plan to use them. So, should you borrow?

The One Skill You Need To Always Have A Job and Never Be Broke

If you are tired of being broke and want a job with tons of flexibility where you can tell your boss off whenever you want because you will always have a slew of job options and offers. Then you know what to do. This is the only hustle you will ever need to make good money forever.

19 Money Moves To Make In 2019

Adjust your withholdings at work and give yourself a raise. If you are getting a big income tax refund each year then you are having too much money taken out for payroll taxes. Why give the government a free loan? They certainly won’t return the favor!

Rockstar Guest Curator

Camilo and Francisco run The Finance Twins , where they're on a mission to simplify personal finance and make important financial information more accessible. Raised in poverty, the twins overcame adversity to reach the highest levels of academic success. With degrees from top academic institutions including an M.B.A. from Harvard and an M.D. from the Mayo Clinic, the twins have seen the disparity in financial knowledge between social classes. They're working to close that gap.

You may have noticed that Rockstar Finance looks a bit different lately. For details on the exciting changes, check out Feature Changes at Rockstar Finance.