Rockstar Rumble, Round 1, Posts 25-32
Here are the latest games in the first round of the 2018 Rockstar Rumble. We've listed each "game" (one post versus another) along with wording provided by the author when the post was submitted. Also listed is a keyword after each post title to make it easy to vote. Be sure to vote for your favorites since you will help determine the winner! Criteria for the best article is what makes Rockstar content which includes these factors:
- Starts with an interesting title
- Includes unique content — we like posts that are edgy, feisty, funny, failure-focused, and super helpful
- Easy to read
- Positive/uplifting (vs. negative)
The voting will run for 48 hours. At that point, a winner will be named and will advance. You can follow the results in the brackets here. Please note, there is ONE VOTE PER PERSON. To be sure you see all games, click on the Rumble category link and scroll down. If you like great posts like these featured, you can subscribe to the Rockstar Finance weekday email and get the best personal finance articles delivered to your inbox. Today's games are brought to you by Mediavine, a full-service ad management solution for digital content creators. Here are today's games: GAME 13
- What is the Minimum Retirement Savings You Could Comfortably Live On? (Minimum) - How does someone achieve financial independence at a young age? Usually it's not because they accumulated millions of dollars. Though saving is important, the core of nearly every success story is the result of reducing your living expenses. In this post, I'll show you the math behind why that works and give you some practical tips on how you can get started!
- My 15-year Journey from $0 in Net Worth to Achieving Financial Independence (Journey) - My post tells my personal story of my accidental 15-year march towards FI. It shows how even normal people (like myself) who follow the simple textbook principles can achieve financial independence and retire early in just 15 years out of high school, if they just play the "frugal hacking" game right. People today are in debt and working until 65-70, when they really should be figuring out how to live modestly and retire before 30. This post shows the powerful and magical consequences of living a simple lifestyle at a 70%+ savings rate, and what it can do for you and your life. Are you ready to get frugal hacking?
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- How My Dad Finally Got Me to Read Investing Books (Dad) - This post dives into how much you should help your kids financially, and features a creative idea my dad came up with to encourage me to read difficult investing books. He offered a $100 bribe for each completed book plus a written report detailing what I had learned.
- Debt. The confessions of a personal finance blogger (Confessions) - This post is an honest account of a situation so many individuals find themselves in. Being in a huge chunk of debt. I tell the truth about how it happened, facing the reality and how I was going to resolve the debt problems. Regular updates have followed with debt repayments and money saving tactics.
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- Why I Quit Being an Entrepreneur (Quit) - This vulnerable post shows a different side of the money conversation - instead of vying for financial freedom, it's most important to do what's best for you.
- Why You Should Invest, Even In Peak Markets (Peak) - As the market continues to rise to new heights and higher valuations, many are wondering if it is best to "wait for a crash". But if you're investing in for the long-term, this post outlines why you're better off getting your money in the market today, even if this might really be the peak!
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- How My Debt Makes Me a Slave Even in Today’s World! (Slave) - Do you have debt? Are you aware that you are a slave to your bank simply because of your willingness to borrow money? Learn to see your debt for what it is - a huge, ugly burden hanging dragging you down. Why not cut it loose - and be free!
- Buy vs Rent is the Wrong Question (Wrong) - So often the debate is housing is a simple either-or. You’re either pro renting or pro buying. You might be for laying down the mortgage or not. In this post I go through a variation of house hacking that goes beyond the typical options, and illustrates some ways for anyone to live better and make more money.
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