Wednesday's Hits: Condo vs House & Middle Income in Each State

Condo vs House: Which is a Better Investment in 2019

"It’s so often repeated that single-family homes (SFH) appreciate faster than condos that it’s taken for gospel. But that's not the story the numbers tell lately."

The Goal Snowball: How Setting Mini-Goals Can Help You Reach Financial Freedom

We all have a million ways that we’d like to change our lives. It’s why New Years’ resolutions take over our Facebook newsfeeds towards the end of each year. The desire for transformation is what drives us.

What Qualifies as Middle Income in Each State

"California is towards the top for smaller households, but then shifts towards the middle once you get to five-person households. Montana, on the other hand, shifts in the opposite direction. Makes me wonder how these differences relate to family types."  

How Concentration Affects Portfolio Performance

Vanguard recently came out with a piece that provides investors with additional data to bring to this conversation.

  Guest Curator: Millionaire Mob is an early retirement blog where people come together to find the best travel deals and financial advice. We specialize in dividend growth investing, passive income and travel hacking.