Introducing EXTREME Frugality!

I came across this hilarious video of Ramit's while looking through some old articles yesterday, and as always felt the urge to share with y'all ;) I died laughing the first time I saw this!! (And the 2nd, 3rd, and now 4th time too, haha... man that guy's crazy.)

  • If you're incredibly frugal and/or sensitive to cursing, avert your eyes now.
  • If you like poking fun at anything that leans toward the extreme, turn up the volume!

Another good reminder that balance is important :) Enjoy! (It's 1:51 secs)

{If you're viewing this in a reader, here's the video link}

Here's the transcript too, though not NEARLY as funny as the video!

"Let's Get Rich, Bitch! (EXTREME FRUGALITY!)"

Everyday I wake up and curse my readers

(Damn you readers!)

They think it's wrong of me to make fun of stupid frugality tips...

So instead of doing what I want, I decided I'm going to give my readers what they want.

And that's why today I'm announcing a brand new program:

"Let's Get Rich Bitch - EXTREME FRUGALITY!"

{Fire in the background}

"Let's Get Rich Bitch!" Gives you the extreme frugality tips you so desperately crave.

No more tips on saving dollars. This is about saving pennies!

{Dumps pennies on head}


"Yo yo yo - how much did that latte cost?"

"I dunno, like three bucks?"

"Well now it's going to cost you your face!"

{Throws coffee in face}

"That's three bucks you could have used to pay off your debt!" "Whyyyyyyy??!!!"

{Frugal cam slow-mo}

These ain't your granny's frugality tips - This is EXTREME FRUGALITY!


Most people take their clothes, throw them in the dryer, and then take the lint and throw it away...

That's fine, if you went to Stanford.

But you're potential throwing away HUNDREDS of cents a year.

That's why I'm going to show you how to make, what I like to call "An EXTREME frugality blanket!"

"Look how warm I am! I am EXTREMELY Warm!"

"By the end of the year, this will cover 28% of my body"

Buying Kleenex from the store can literally cost up to $2.00.

It's a huge scam to keep the average American in the poor house.

... But you can use tree leaves instead.

(I'll make you some extreme Kleenex out of tree leaves, yeah!)

And it only takes me two hours each week.

Thanks Tree!

Order "Let's Get Rich Bitch - EXTREME FRUGALITY!"

(For only 3 easy payments of $19.95 - call now)


If you liked this, go check out everything else Ramit is up to over at his blog: He's brilliant and insane at the same time.