How I Make Thousands From Side Hustles

"I’ve gotten into selling scrap metal as well. I don’t scour Craigslist for old washers or dryers people leave out, but instead I collect cables and wires. Think about when you buy a new electronic item. It always comes with the basic red/yellow audio visual cable. Why, I have no clue. I take these and put them in a small box. I also collect any other copper wire that I no longer need – extension cords, power cords, s-video cables, telephone cords – you name it, I put it in the box. Insulated copper wire like this doesn’t sell for hundreds of dollars, but last time I went, it was $3 per pound. I usually cash in once a year and walk away with around $100."

Check out all of Jon's hustles here:

--------- [Photo cred: GS+]